Saturday, August 30, 2008

Building Contest Winner.

Due to nobody sending any entry's, I will either claim myself the winner or repost. Readers who are interested in a repost have one month to comment. If I get no comments I will know I have been yacking my head off for no reason.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Building Contest

Bionicle building contest July 22-August 5.

Build a Hero with 60 pieces or more. Email some pictures of your creation and a profile for him (Not a history I reserve the right to make a history for your creation and use him on my blog) to . The contest begins on July 22 and ends on August 5. Applications will not be judged on how many pieces used but on how the person entering builds with them.

Toa Furious

Monday, July 14, 2008


F.R.A.G.S. Mach-1

Name: F.R.A.G.S
Status: Functioning within normal parameters
Data: This robotic fighting machine has an IQ of 5--- (after the dial read 5000, it broke.), Super-fast reflexes, and an extremely light metal alloy body. Base for FRAGS Mach 2 & 3.
Destiny: To fight all enemy's of Aldlar and end up as a useless hunk of metal.
Tools: Sheild/Electric swords, Short sword, Glider wings, Lvl. 1 CU (Core Unit, Torso) .

Location: N/A

FRAGS Mach 2 & 3 will be posted soon.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Aldlar :: "Toa Furious"

At last about me.

sorry no pics as of yet.

Name: Aldlar
Status: Alive
Steed: Swamp Kikanalo (The link is for the normal Kikanalo. there is no real swamp breed according to the makers of BIONICLE, but if they would do a contest...)
Data: A peaceful matoran.
Destiny: To become a Toa
Tools:Blades, Back pack for holding objects, Sheild/Lava Board mix, Lance (for on his steed.)

Location: Metru Nui


Name: Toa Aldlar
Status: Alive
Steed: (now just a pack animal) Swamp Kikanalo
Data: Powerful Toa of Fire
Destiny: To become a Dark Hunter.
Tools: Toa Swords, Climbing claws, Sheild (The sheild is not always carried, and has a power saw attachment.)

Location: Metru Nui

Dark Hunter

Name: Aldlar or Toa Furious
Status: Alive
Steed: Lost
Data: Powerful Toa of Fury(Anger)
Destiny: Leading a Resistance cell belonging to "The League of Hunters", joint founder of the group
Tools: Sword, Climbing claws, shield

Location: N/A

will update with new pictures later

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I have given acsess to a close friend of mine Toa Hujo acsess to my blog for a saga we are doing together. if he does bad spelling or anything you dont like then tell him not me.

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Chronicles of The League of Hunters :: Part 1A

Toa Aldlar & Hujo, the smallest yet most effective Toa team ever know in Metru Nui. Fire and Ice, together on the same grounds, a lethal combo seeing how Fire, When combined with the Elemental Power of Ice, can be used to make an instant seal, killing all who are trapped inside. The one problem with Fire is that Those who wield it tend to be hot-headed and short-tempered. and with Ice? Anti-Social, Quiet, Always Observing, and saying anything they believe is true (which is quite annoying). I was sent away from Metru Nui after many missions of success, by Turaga Dume himself, to an island that he had heard once had an invasion by the (or at least a) Morbuzakh plant, but no longer had it. he thought the key to defeating ours would be on that island. He was wrong, and I was even worse. on the island i bumped into my old friend, Toa Hujo. he had an ally with him, some Le-Metru Toa, and i decided to take over the team. We started arguing and then we all split up. i went through the forest and, as i neared the end, got am,bushed by some form of wild Rahi. we fought and i killed them but was wounded. I laid there thinking about the fight he had. with some effort i picked myself up and went through the woods to find Hujo or the other Toa. i never asked his name. i found Hujo after a long time and we made camp. then the air toa returned but he seemed, how should i say this; different. i just said to myself "its just that I've never been near an air toa before." once again i was wrong. He left to try and fin help and came back smiling and behind him some creatures followed, then he said "well well, look here to Tree-laid Toa-Hero's, and Bog-Foot to. and this army of Rahi shall end all for you. But do not take me wrong, i just want to Mercy-Kill you. Put you out of your misery."
the battle following was short but devastating, we, Aldlar and Hujo made a seal that killed all the rahi, but AT (Air Toa, even Hujo never knew his name) escaped and came to fight us alone. we killed him and then his body disappeared, Hujo and looked at each other wondering what happened. then a voice behind us started speaking. "Alas for the poor Toa, Dume has caused his downfall." We asked who he was, only to hear "a friend, who will reveal all. First, why were you sent here?" as Hujo and I went to answer our voices joined together to say our mission but chaos came out. "I thought so, Dume is always trying to kill toa, Join my force and you shall be well rewarded" "I long for revenge now" I said and Hujo said"it seems the wisest ting to do." So we started our work for the dark hunters (though we knew not that they were the ones we were working for.)

thus ends the 1st version of this part. it will be modified later. sorry for inconvenience.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sorry to take so long.

I haven't been on in a while so i need to get pics of what i have.

My friend and i are going to do a story back and forth between each other, called "The League of Hunters" and I, Toa Furious, Will be one of the main characters. I have 2 versions, A good one and an evil one. the good one is my Toa Vahi with a little difference, so I'll post the same thing twice so to speak.

Please let me know how you have been enjoying my blog.
Toa Furious

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Patience is a Virtue

I am going on a trip tomorrow and will return on Monday. by then i will be building more guys to post. i have a new custom made Toa Vhai, Toa of Time. wait and you will be rewarded.

Toa Furious

Friday, February 22, 2008

What if...?

Axxon and Brutaka are locked in combat, all of a sudden Brutaka charges and Axxon evades nimbly then finds out he was not the target. there is a shatter sound. Axxon turns to find Brutaka in a puddle of green goo. the he rises, wearing the Kanohi Kraahkan, Mask of Darkness. MAKUTA TERADAX HAS RETURNED!
Name: Teradax
Status: Alive
Data: See Here
Destiny: To destroy and overthrow the great spirit Mata Nui
Tools:All the tools of Brutaka,
Kanohi Kraahkan, his original staff from Metru Nui
Location: Voya Nui

new pictures,

Monday, February 18, 2008

My response to TAKANUVA, TOA OF TWILIGHT (Copyright)

I have seen pictures of the future Takanuva, Sadly illegally leaked, Therefore I will not give links. However, I WILL post MY impression of the new Takanuva. they are nowhere the same.

Undnum (name may change in future)

Name: Undnum
Status: Alive
Data: This titan has gone through a lot, First a Toa, Then mutated by the Visorak, Mutated in the pit, mutated again by the Visorak, and finally had all the mutations undone, and came out in this form. He is now a member of the order of Mata Nui. He has every ranged weapon known of (except of course the Tridax Pod), and his mask is a special mask of recharge element + Choose any mask power, he chose the Kanohi Sanok (Mask of Accuracy). he can form a combined Toa Kaita with other Toa.
Destiny: Unknown
Tools:Vahki Disk launcher, Rhotika Spinner of Ice, Squid launcher, Cordak Blaster, Midak Light-Blaster, Zamor Sphere launchers (x2), Double Bladed Sword, Normal Kanoka Disc launcher W/ Legendary Disc of Time, and upgraded Toa Elemental of Ice.
Location: N/A

Saturday, February 16, 2008

By the way,

i am getting my names from the following links, so if you recognize the names i use then Don't Blame ME!!!


Name: Enxtan
Status: Alive
Data: Strong, Powerful, And armored to the sky (yet weighed down to the ground), this is one dude you DON'T want to meet.
Enxtan is the nemesis of Kimineo , and it is his job to make sure Kimineo fails his job. He has the skill enough to mascaraed as a Rahi, and thus most people don't see him till 'tis to late.
Destiny: The same old stuff, Stay on guard duty, Yada yada yada.
Tools:Claws, Saw blades (mounted on back), Elbow Claws, Foot claws, Kanohi Kakama (Mask of Speed, Pre-Nuva Level), Fake Rahi head (w/ internal camera, connected to HUD on his mask)
Location: N/A

Friday, February 15, 2008

all my pics in video form.

i have all my pics in a video i made my self so sit back and enjoy!
sorry about the resolution. it was made for bigger. ill update later.


(Sorry for flash bounce)

Name: Kimineo, Hidden Jail Breaker.
Status: Alive, Hidden From other info. (unbuilt, no more posts about him.)
Data: Strong, Elusive, Sneaky, this guys is almost always hidden, his armor is made of dead Camouflage Kranna, thus making him extra hard to find with his Kanohi Volitak (Mask of Stealth), his mask is outfitted with internal gill system, and Gas mask. his jets work over and under water. there is almost no disturbance from them and there is no visible flame.
Destiny: To break out the Wrongly Jailed.
Tools:Double Blade, Shield/Floating Surf Board/Dual Blade mix,Jet pack, modified Kanohi Volitak
Location: N/A

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Orwyn & Skelrilrynet

(sorry i could not rotate the pictures.)

Name: Orwyn, Mutated Toa of Earth.
Status: Alive, Mutated in Pit.
Steed:Sea Serpent, Armed and Armored by Orwyn.
Steeds Name, Skelrilrynet
Data: This Past Toa was in a battle and happened to unleash an earthquake at the same time as the Great Cataclysm, and, thinking he did the damage, Ran from all civilization. 100+ Years later (the exact time is unsure) he managed to enter the Pit and was mutated. he then befriended the Sea Serpents. he can use his mask of copy abilities, and he has weak elemental powers.(Stronger than a Turaga, Weaker Than a Toa.)
Destiny: Unknown, though (from hiding and w/o there knowledge) he has protected the Matoran of Mahri Nui, and so Could have been considered a Toa Mahri.
Tools: Dual Earth Power Blades. Cloak of Stealth, Cordak Blaster (mounted on
Location: The Pit

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


i will be helping my friend do his story and him mine, so look at his blog for some of my stuff.

Furious, Toa of Anger

P.S. i am a good Toa i just make my enemies angry and my friends i take anger from!

welcome to my blog

Please visit my friends blog,

i have same reasons.

i will use the real lands but will not do anything wrong and against there copyright.

with no further ado, PICTURES!my toa and sea serpant

an ice titan

also a fav link is this,